Thursday, 1 February 2018

Robert Atkinson: A renowned attorney from Las Vegas

Robert Atkinson attorney Las Vegas, provides impeccable bankruptcy filing services in chapter 7, 11 and 13. His MBA degree in Finance also helps him providing efficient advisory services to significant legal and financial firms. Currently, he is working as a lead attorney in Atkinson Law Associates Ltd.
Qualities that make Robert Atkinson an expert lawyer:
1. Excellent Communication Skills
As a lawyer, he is orally articulate and delivers persuasive speeches in courtrooms. With his expertise under the jurisdiction under US Supreme Court, US District Court in Nevada, US Bankruptcy Court, Supreme Court of Nevada etc. has helped him to developed great communication and listening skills. With his years of experience, he also has mastered in writing skills.
2. Analytical skills
As a lawyer, one has to deal with a large quantity of information per day, filter out the information, and produce something logical. Such actions require excellent analytical skills. Robert Atkinson Attorney Las Vegas, gained decades of experienced in filling more than 500 bankruptcy cases, 300 contract efforts, participated in 100 lawsuits and provided a significant contribution to the commercial real estate. Dealing with a numerous of cases has sharpened the analytical skills of Mr Atkinson over the years.
3. People skills
For being a lawyer one not only have to be academically smart but also have to be people oriented. Possessing this quality is extremely important to deal with various kind of clients who comes with different personalities. As an attorney, Robert Atkinson known for his social skills. With his tremendous amount of cases, he has helped many grieving and stressed clients with his friendly and optimistic attitude.
4. Judgement skills
A lawyer sometimes has to draw a logical conclusion from insufficient information within a limited period. In such situation, the judgement skills of an attorney often get at risk. Robert Atkinson possesses the quality of identifying any sort of weakness in his case beforehand to correct them before time. His skills have helped him to provide adequate advisory services to various start-ups and significant players in the industry.
5. Creative problem solving
Knowing is one thing but utilising minimum effort for maximum outcomes requires years of experience. During his career, Robert Atkinson has employed his smartness skills and has helped many companies to save as well as accumulate billions of dollars with his creative thinking skills.